Saturday, November 13, 2010

Cinnamon Pumpkin Hot Mess

Yep. That's what I made this week. I decided to go with something non-cookie this week, as cookies aren't actually a binding part of this exercise, simply a fun name. We're encouraged to make really anything we'd use as treats this holiday season. Easy peasy.

I was really successful last week with my Girl Scout copycat cookies. This week, was a complete disaster. I really wanted to make pumpkin cinnamon rolls to take somewhere tonight. So I made my 3:30. Then I let it rise for all of 45 minutes out of impatience. I rolled it out, filled it, rolled it back up, sliced it, and set it in the pan to rise...which lasted the amount of time it took for my oven to heat up. I was completely unprepared timewise to make these, so I should have gone with my back up plan-a cranberry walnut tart. But instead, I simply half-assed Plan A.

Dumb idea. My rolls were doughy, cooked longer than suggested, then I had to cut them all apart and cook this longer on cookie trays to cook it all. And it still didn't work. They're likely dense and doughy and disgusting-the three d's I try to avoid.

I'm even refusing to post the recipe on my blog, because I wasn't patient enough to do things correctly. Instead, I'll pass you along to the man who knows how to do it the right way. (Pumpkin Pie Cinnamon Buns)-Listen to him, follow his directions, and you'll have delicious fall rolls. Don't follow me. Major. Fail.

P.S. I failed even more by getting all the way to Starbucks last night to load my pictures and write my post. Got all the way there with camera and laptop in tow, but couldn't find my camera cord I spent 5 minutes finding. Wrote my post, and then left without publishing it, only to find my camera cord in my pocket the whole time. Boy oh boy, I'm losing it. So posting this and adding pictures later. Or, better yet, just check out the original pictures since I took mine on the platter in my car in the Starbucks parking lot. Yep, just keeps getting better and better, I know!

1 comment:

  1. I had one of those days with my cookie this week too and posted all about my problems. The cookies turned out alright but boy was it a rough road getting there. But, given your baking talent, I'm sure if you make these again they'll be awesome.
